Terms and Conditions

Upgrade Your Teaching Content Australian Owned and Operated Business Transform Your School Library >

These points cover all services provided by Functional Solutions International PTY LTD.

1. This is an annual service only. There are no prorate facilities available.

2. Access to Functional Solutions International Pty Ltd’s (FSI) cloud is only for authorised schools and their staff, students and parents.

3. All logins are only provided by FSI.

4. Login details are specifically for the respective individual and cannot be distributed, transferred, provided to any third party under any circumstances.

5. Login details can only be used by a current student, parent or member of staff of the school.

6. Access to the data farm is only with the login details provided and only through the applications provided by FSI.

7. Use of any tools and utilities other than the software provided by FSI will constitute hacking and the offender will be in breach of all state and Commonwealth laws relating to hacking.

8. The school has 100% legal ownership and copyright rights to all data created and posted by them into the application; all other data is owned and copyrighted by FSI.

9. The school indemnifies FSI for all data posted by the school and its agents.

10. The school administrators decide what data, including student specific information, is hosted in the FSI cloud.

11. Data hosted in the FSI cloud is the responsibility of the school.

12. The school will NOT grant data access to ANY third parties. Doing so will constitute hacking and the school takes full responsibility.

13. FSI will NOT grant data access to ANY third parties.

14. The data generated by the school always remains the property of the school and these ownership rights cannot be transferred to ANY third parties.

15. FSI will digitally shred ALL the school’s data when the school chooses to no longer use our service or requests Data Evacuation. - Data Evacuation fees will be quoted on request.

16. FSI will not interfere, integrate, investigate, use, sell or access the school’s data under any circumstances, except to provide DIRECT support to the school and ONLY to school staff.

17. No access to the FSI cloud will be provided to ANY student, parent or member of staff directly by FSI. All requests for access by school staff, students and parents must be provided by the school administrator.

18. Your school will indemnify FSI for all copyright breaches and any illegal activity by your users.

19. This service can and will be terminated for any breach of these conditions and any cost in identifying and fixing any breaches caused by the school will be met by the school.

TV4Education Terms & Conditions of Use.

FSI cloud also host educational multimedia content and its terms and conditions are as follows:-
1. You understand and agree that this is a storage and download service only and not content for sale, hire, retention or available for any commercial purpose.

2. The content is provided expressly for educational purposes exclusively for your school, your staff and your students under your Screenrights Licence agreement with Screenrights.

3.You agree that your school has and will continue to maintain a full and paid subscription to Screenrights for the 12-month duration of this subscription.

4. You acknowledge that all content on the service, regardless of how it is accessed and used is the property of FSI and you have NO CLAIM whatsoever to any content from this service.

5. You indemnify Functional Solutions against all cost and abuse from your site as a consequence of any illegal use and any breach of copyright, any breach of Screenrights terms and conditions in the use of content from this service.

6. You agree to Functional Solutions providing all statistical and reporting data to Screenrights and any other government department demanding this information.

7. This licence is for ONE single physical library.
a. Multi-campus sites must have ONE single licence for each physical library.
b. Institutional sites must have ONE single licence for each physical library.
c. Content from ONE physical library cannot be copied or distributed to other physical libraries.

8. You will not provide ANY content from this service to ANY third party or organisation outside of your school.

9. You will not redistribute, copy, communicate or upload this content to any other service, third party or database.

10. You will not upload this content to any other similar competing service or database.

11. Content from this service will not be uploaded to, copied to, transmitted to, or contained in our competitor’s product. This pertains in particular to ClickView systems and any of their services or databases.

12. You will not provide your user credentials to any other person inside or outside of your school network under any circumstances.

13. You agree to respect our intellectual property and copyright and not sell, distribute or communicate any content provided by this service to ANY third party or ANY third party services.

14. You agree we can vary these terms and conditions as necessary and agree to be bound by them.

15. You agree to use this content on a 'fair use' condition: 3640 downloads a year or 70 downloads per week. These weekly downloads will accumulate every week as unused download from previous weeks BUT will expire when your subscription runs out at the end of your 12 month period. This will give users the opportunity to spread the 3640 downloads across any 12-month period without any loss of download capacity, especially during holiday periods (e.g. if in week 1 you download 5, in week 2 you can download this weeks capacity of 70 plus any unused downloads from previous weeks – your total for week 2 will be 135).

16. You agree to participate in sharing and receiving bibliographic and subject metadata in the library catalogue with Functional Solutions, www.tv4education.com and the wider www.tv4education.com user base to enhance your catalogue of www.tv4education.com content.

17. Your school will indemnify FSI for all copyright breaches and any illegal activity by your users.

18. This service can and will be terminated for any breach of these conditions and any cost in identifying and fixing any breaches caused by the school will be met by the school.

19. You agree to surrender ALL content obtained from this service on demand by FSI without reservation.

20. You agree to provide a written declaration that ALL copies of our content has been destroyed and digitally shredded to a state of not being used or recoverable.

There is no variation to these terms and conditions under any circumstances.